Do you think marijuana may be able to help improve your mental health? Have you been learning how to grind weed without a grinder? Have you been looking into the benefits of marijuana for certain conditions? Luckily for many, cannabis is more accessible these days, with many places issuing marijuana cards and some places even delivering (look at this SF weed delivery service for an example). It all depends on your location and the reason you might need it, medically of course. Unless you live in an area where it legal to use it recreationally.
Marijuana certainly has it’s benefits, from relieving pain and inflammation to reducing stress. But do you know who to go to get a marijuana card? You must be wondering how to get a medical card in Virginia or in your location. This is the ticket to the golden stuff in so many places and tends to be a common question on people’s minds. The legality of the substance is of course varied among states and countries. Well, in many places, it’s often not as simple as buying cheap glass smoking pipes for your rig. Neither is it as cheap. But it is certainly worth it.
There’s two important questions you need to ask. The first question that many have is “How Much Does an AZ MMJ Card Cost?”, and the second is “How to get a medical marijuana card in AZ/”. And these are questions you can easily ask of our Scottsdale MMJ Card Doctors.
How Much Does an AZ MMJ Card Cost?
The AZDHS MMJ Card fee is $150, unless you SNAP Card and then it’s $75. This is an annual fee that you will need to pay as a new Arizona Medical Marijuana Card holder, and also for subsequent years for your AZ MMJ Card Renewals.
How do I get AZ MMJ Card ?
You must be 18 years or older in order to apply for a card. You also need a valid AZ Driver’s license or AZ ID card and your address to be based in AZ. Once all these qualifying factors are passed, you can obtain your AZ Medical Card Certification from an AZ MMJ Doctor after being examined for a qualifying condition. Here’s where we come in and how we can help you get your Arizona Cannabis Card Certification.

The Arizona Department of Health Services charges a $150 application and processing fee for your Arizona MMJ Card. If you are on Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Plan or SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) the fee is only $75.
Arizona MMJ Card Renewals are also $150, or $75 with you SNAP Card.
Our Arizona Medical Marijuana Card Certification Doctors will process your AZ Medical Card Application for you and you will receive your card via US Postal Service in the the mail in about 10 days.

Our Marijuana Doctor evaluations, will include an Az Medical record, your Arizona Medical Marijuana Doctor certification and we’ll upload your application to the State. If you have your own medical records that can be used also.
The Arizona MMJ Exam process is easy, discreet and convenient at our Scottsdale Cannabis Certification Center. Call today as we always run specials and have the lowest cost at 480.626.1888. If you have any questions about how to get your Arizona Medical Marijuana Card or to schedule an appointment with our Marijuana Doctors.

Call and make an appointment today!
Walk ins are welcome. You can get your Same Day Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification at our Scottsdale MMJ Doctors Office located at 6907 E. Thomas Rd, Scottsdale, Az 85251 ( Scottsdale & Thomas RD )
Get an Arizona Medical Marijuana Card Today
Same Day Appointments are Available.